I'm a curious explorer &
journey builder

I bring curiosity to my work, expertly weaving together strategic thinking to user-centric product that delight and inspire.

I'm a curious explorer &
journey builder

I bring curiosity to my work, expertly weaving together strategic thinking to user-centric product that delight and inspire.

I'm a curious explorer &
journey builder

I bring curiosity to my work, expertly weaving together strategic thinking to user-centric product that delight and inspire.

My work principles

I am driven by relentless curiosity, prioritize action over theory, foster collaborative creativity, and focus on achieving measurable results.

I am driven by relentless curiosity, prioritize action over theory, foster collaborative creativity, and focus on achieving measurable results.

User-Focused Approach

I generate hypotheses and validate them through professional methods, rather than designing from a purely technical perspective.

Inquisitive Nature

I continuously ask in-depth questions to thoroughly understand the core of any problem.

Practical Progress

I actively take effective steps to gradually achieve goals, prioritizing practical action over theoretical discussion.

Team Collaboration

Team Collaboration

I enthusiastically engage in teamwork, contributing to an environment where collective efforts lead to greater outcomes.

I enthusiastically engage in teamwork, contributing to an environment where collective efforts lead to greater outcomes.

My work principles

I am driven by relentless curiosity, prioritize action over theory, foster collaborative creativity, and focus on achieving measurable results.

I am driven by relentless curiosity, prioritize action over theory, foster collaborative creativity, and focus on achieving measurable results.

User-Focused Approach

I generate hypotheses and validate them through professional methods, rather than designing from a purely technical perspective.

Inquisitive Nature

I continuously ask in-depth questions to thoroughly understand the core of any problem.

Practical Progress

I actively take effective steps to gradually achieve goals, prioritizing practical action over theoretical discussion.

Team Collaboration

Team Collaboration

I enthusiastically engage in teamwork, contributing to an environment where collective efforts lead to greater outcomes.

I enthusiastically engage in teamwork, contributing to an environment where collective efforts lead to greater outcomes.

Los Angeles, CA
© Taiyu Liu

Los Angeles, CA
© Taiyu Liu

© Taiyu Liu